Friday, November 22, 2013

2014 Conference on Education and Human Development in Asia, Hiroshima, March 2-4, 2014

The 2014 Conference on Education and Human Development in Asia

Location: Japan
Call for Papers Date: 12-5-2013

The 2014 Conference on Education and Human Development in Asia will be held March 2-4, 2014 at the KKR Hiroshima, Japan.

We invite scholarly interactions among academics, researchers, doctoral students, and representatives from industry, entrepreneurs, and non-profit and non-governmental organization professionals.

Authors are welcome to submit from a range of topics, perspectives, and disciplines. The range of research submissions may include conceptual, empirical, experimental, and case studies.

The conference theme of Change, Continuity and Diversity: Perspectives on Sustainability for Asia seeks to explore such issues and their links to the notion of sustainability through the combined and holistic lenses of an interdisciplinary approach.

Areas of Human Development include,

Population and Aging
Healthcare and Social Support
Politics and Conflict
Inequality and Justice
Gender and Culture
Migration and Identity
Environment and Technology
Economy and Sustainability

John Carmelo, COHDA 2014 Coordinator
KKR,19-65 Higashi-hakushimacho, Naka-ku, Hiroshima-city, Hiroshima, Japan 730-0004

Visit the website at

CFP: 2nd Biennial Conference on Anthropology and Sustainability in Asia

The 2nd Biennial Conference on Anthropology and Sustainability in Asia

Location: Japan
Call for Papers Date: 12-15-2013

The 2014 Biennial Conference on Anthropology & Sustainability in Asia will be held from March 16-18, 2014 at the KKR Hiroshima, Japan.

We invite scholarly interactions among academics, researchers, doctoral students, and representatives from industry, as well as think tanks, non-profit / non-governmental organization professionals to submit proposals by December 15, 2013.

As the fields of anthropology and sustainability cross over into multiple areas and disciplines, authors are welcome to submit from a range of topics, perspectives, and disciplines. The range of research submissions may include conceptual, empirical, experimental, and case studies.

Under the theme of Anthropological Perspectives on Holistic Sustainability, CASA 2014 welcomes submissions from the following sub-themes and special topics:

Cultural Sustainability
Social Sustainability
Political Sustainability
Economic Sustainability
Archaeology and Sustainability
Linguistic Sustainability
Biological Sustainability
Other Anthropological areas are welcome

John Carmelo, CASA 2014 Coordinator
KKR,19-65 Higashi-hakushimacho, Naka-ku, Hiroshima-city, Hiroshima, Japan 730-0004


Visit the website at

Thursday, November 21, 2013

University of Hawaii 25th Annual Graduate Student Conference: Pushing Boundaries, Shifting Perspectives

The School of Pacific and Asian Studies at the University of Hawaii at Manoa is proud to announce that we will be holding our 25th annual Graduate Student Conference from April 2nd to 4th, 2014 at the Center of Korean Studies on the UH campus. We invite graduate students from around the world to submit papers for the conference. 

Our theme is, “Pushing Boundaries, Shifting Perspectives: Remapping Asia and the Pacific Through a Transnational Interdisciplinary Lens” and our keynote speaker this year is Professor Nancy Peluso, from UC-Berkeley.

Attached is our call for papers and the conference flyer. You can download the submission form at our website: and send it, or any questions to

We would greatly appreciate it if you could forward this email and information to your graduate student community.

Graduate Student Conference on Asian Studies: Changing Vistas

Changing Vistas: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Asia Pacific
The Masters of Arts Asia Pacific Policy Studies (MAAPPS) Program at the University of British Columbia in collaboration with the University of Washington will be hosting the third annual UBC/UW graduate student conference on Asian studies. The conference will be held from April 10th – 12th , 2014, at the UBC Vancouver campus in Vancouver, BC, Canada.
The UBC/UW conference is designed to provide an interdisciplinary forum for graduate students to compare methodologies and discuss current research on the Asia Pacific region. Conference participants can interact, network and collaborate with peers from different institutions and across a wide range of academic disciplines.
In addition to highlighting completed research projects, the UBC/UW conference will serve as an opportunity to develop works in progress. Alongside more traditional research presentations, there will also be a roundtable discussion aimed at tackling methodological and thematic challenges.
Currently enrolled graduate students interested in presenting their work and/or participating in the roundtable discussion are welcomed to do so according to the following guidelines:

Application Guidelines
The conference organizers ask that all applicants…
 a. be currently enrolled in a graduate/postgraduate studies program
 b. submit abstracts focused on issues relevant to the Asia-Pacific region
c. limit abstracts to a maximum of 300 words
d. include a short personal biography (100 word limit) along with their abstracts
Abstracts must be received by January 15th,  2014.
The conference organizers will respond to all applicants by mid February regarding the status of their abstracts/ presentations. 
For general inquiries concerning the conference, please  
For abstract submissions as well as submission inquiries, please contact:

Friday, November 15, 2013

CFP Post Asia Film, Media, and Popular Cultural Conference


Post-Asia Film, Media and Popular Culture Conference, July 14-16, 2014

If the historical experiences of colonialism and imperialism, both internal and external, have produced the asymmetries of Asia versus the Rest, how does one address the problematics of Asia as an identity category? Indeed how can one define ‘Asia’ or ‘Asian-ness’ without falling into the traps of essentialism that glosses over the diversity of experiences not only within the Asian region but also beyond -- where sites of Asian-ness come to being, and where sights of Asian-ness float about? How do film, media and popular culture and other cultural artifacts expressive of the changing spectra of representations and identities -- whether created inside or outside Asia -- imagine that diversity in the past and the present, as well as for the future? Do they otherwise articulate sameness that cuts between Asia and the Rest? If essentialist notions of identity can be tolerated as expedient means for political ends, at what point do they become unquestioned categories for academic inquiry? Can an interdisciplinary *lingua frança* be found to rethink Asia beyond the terms of geographical, cultural, ethnic and national essentialisms? Can ecologies of the ‘Inter-Asia’ and the ‘Sinophone’, and other new critical categories, including the renewed take on cosmopolitanism, de-territorialize ‘Asia’ and ‘Asian-ness’ without reinscribing existing ontological dilemmas? Can ‘Asia’ and ‘Asian-ness’ be de-Asianized? What is post-Asia?

To these ends, we call for paper and panel proposals for the 11th Asian Cinema Studies Society Conference: Post-Asia Film, Media and Popular Culture. With the support of the Department of Communication, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Macau, in conjunction with the Asian Cinema Studies Society, the conference is planned for July 14-16, 2014, in Macau SAR. Topics include, but are not limited to, the following areas:

Asia Cinema studies 

Asian Media studies 
Asian Popular Culture studies 
Asian Cultural Studies
Cosmopolitan cinemas 

Creative/Cultural Industries Cross-media formats 
Cultural and Media Ecologies
Cultural Policies
Genders and Sexualities
Global Communication Identities and Representations 

Media Communication Nationalism and Transnationalism 
New Media studies 
Postcolonial Theories and Criticisms 
Postmodern cultures 
Print media 
Sinophone Communication 
TV studies

Language: English and Chinese.

Please send proposals of 200-300 words in RTF or WORD format. For all proposals, be certain to include the title, author(s) name(s), institutional affiliation, mailing address, and email contacts, as well as a brief biography of each contributor. For panel, workshop, and group submissions, be certain to provide a brief description (100 words) of the contribution of each participant. Sessions will be 1 1/2 hours in duration, and time limits will be strictly enforced.

The deadline for submission of proposals is February 15, 2014. Notifications of acceptance will be sent out by early March 2014.

Selected papers will be published in the peer-reviewed biannual *Asian Cinema. *Now published by Intellect Press (UK), this seminal journal has long been the flagship publication of the Asian Cinema Studies Society. *,id=219/

Registration fee*:
Regular rate: USD200
Discount rate: USD125. *This applies to participants from developing countries in Asia such as India, Indonesia, Philippines, People’s Republic of China (except Hong Kong) and Thailand, as well as full-time students (with proof of identification).*

* The registration includes access to all sessions, one-year ACSS membership, one-year subscription to the *Asian Cinema *journal, tea/coffee breaks, and one closing conference dinner.

Please submit your proposals to XU Xiaying, Richard (University of Macau)

All updated information will posted at: *

Principal organizing members:
TAN See Kam (University of Macau): <(>
Gary BETTINSON (University of Lancaster): *

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Transforming Societies: Contestations and Convergences in Asia and the Pacific

Location: Thailand
Conference Date: February 15, 2014

Asia and the Pacific today faces momentous challenges as it enters the second decade of the 21st century, in the wake of the rapid processes of social transformation in the region precipitated by globalization. While we see bustling cities and towns and modernization of rural areas in some parts, we also witness the choking of cities and the ensuing culture shocks, as well as the uprooting and depopulation of rural communities/areas. Various countries in the region from China to the Pacific Islands, from the South China Sea to the Indian subcontinent and beyond are experiencing different degrees and speeds of urbanization, industrialization and development. It is a region of great promise and huge potentials. Yet, it is also a region full of diversity and paradoxes. It must also be recognized that many countries in the region face rising inequalities and conflicts that threaten their social fabric and stability. Various classes and groups of people, in particular the younger generation and indigenous communities, face a revolution of rising expectations, yet many experience a revolution of rising frustrations. Issues of identity revolving around ethnicity, religion, and sub-regions often crop up, raising tensions and anxieties. All these must be addressed effectively and with a long range view, bearing in mind that people in the region face a common future.

 Given the above background, the role of sociology in particular and social sciences in general as the corpus of knowledge to analyze and interpret changes in the 21st century is very critical. Sociologists and other social scientists must use their critical faculties to make sense of these contestations and challenges, examine possible convergences, and suggest alternatives for the benefit of the respective societies and for humankind.


 Submission of an abstract:
 An abstract of about 250-350 words should be submitted to the Conference Secretariat before 30 November 2013. The abstract should include 1) an abstract title 2) information of the author (including author's title, name, position, affiliation, contact address, and e-mail address), 3) the abstract and 4) keywords of about 3-5.

 Please submit the paper via completing the Panel Proposal Form (.docx) or the Paper Proposal Form (.docx) and emailing the completed form to

 The abstracts will be reviewed by the conference academic committee. Notification of paper acceptance will be on 15 December, 2013 and submission of a full paper on 15 January 2014.

 APSA 2014 Conference Secretariat
Regional Center for Social Science and Sustainable Development (RCSD)
Faculty of Social Sciences, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand

Visit the website at

CFP: Journal of Asia Pacific Studies, December 2013 issues

The Journal of Asia Pacific Studies is calling for papers for its December 2013 issue. JAPS is published online and in print. The Journal is indexed by EBSCOhost as well as other prestigious databases. For more information please visit our website.

African-Asian Encounters CFP Nov. 30, 2013

AFRICAN-ASIAN ENCOUNTERS: New Cooperations - New Dependencies?
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
March 11-13, 2014
Venue: University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Research Management and Innovation Complex
The deadline for paper submission has been extended to November 30, 2014.

For more information please visit the conference site:

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Politics and Disaster in the Philippines

Insightful commentary on disaster aid in the Philippines through political channels, written by UM Professor Allen Hicken and two of his graduate students, James Atkinson and Nico Ravanilla. the monkey cage

Announcing Launch of Consortium for Southeast Asian Studies in Asia (SEASIA)

The Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS), Kyoto University, proudly announces the launch of a Consortium for Southeast Asian Studies in Asia (SEASIA).

Over the past few decades, in tandem with ever-deepening economic integration and increasing cross-border flows and movements of people, goods, ideas and technologies, a number of leading organizations, communities, and individuals in East Asia (Northeast and Southeast Asia)
have been initiating, cementing and institutionalizing both regional and global linkages and collaborations at the governmental and non-governmental levels, particularly in business, academia and the arts.

Network-style academic cooperation has become de rigueur among area specialists as well. But so far, academic cooperation in the East Asia region has mainly taken the form of bundles of bilateral (or at most trilateral) exchanges and collaboration, involving great expenditure of
time, energy and funds. There are many overlaps in the thematic focus of conferences, symposia and workshops sponsored individually or jointly by area studies institutions. Some of the unintended consequences of this noodle-bowl phenomenon include intellectual fragmentation and segmentation even within one particular topic of “area studies.” Fragmentation and segmentation may actually impede the development of synergistic, inter- and multidisciplinary and comparative approaches to area studies. These are goals and endeavors that are held and pursued in common by all of us scholars who are keen to promote area studies. In an era of budget cuts, it makes more sense for area studies institutions to work together.

The study of Southeast Asia is an integral part of Asian studies and is represented in various international academic meetings. Furthermore, there are many region-based institutions that have provided excellent platforms for promoting Southeast Asian studies. However, the establishment of a region-based consortium of Southeast Asian Studies aims to complement these regional and global efforts by linking these hubs into a cooperative venture. It will provide a multilateral regional forum in the form of annual meetings, along with smaller joint workshops or conferences; a system for sharing information about each other’s activities; opportunities for education and training of young and up-and-coming scholars -for promoting collaboration and exchanges among Southeast Asia- and other East Asia-based Southeast Asianists.

More importantly, we seek to connect institutions specializing in the natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities—for example, earthquake science and disaster management, medical research, urban studies, ecology, energy, resource management, industry specialists, creative
industries—whose scholars have an interest in, and who work on or in Southeast Asia, but do not necessarily consider themselves as area studies specialists.

Logistically, it is more convenient and affordable for Southeast/East Asia-based scholars to meet and interact with each other in the region compared to traveling long distances and at huge expense to America and Europe (although this consortium welcomes the participation of American and European Southeast Asianists).  Other places where Southeast Asian studies constitutes only one sub-regional branch of “area studies” among many other areas are subject to the vicissitudes of funding and institutional imperatives specific to the countries in which they are based. Yet, for scholars working on Southeast Asia who are based in East Asia, this “area” matters in geopolitical, economic, intellectual, institutional, social, cultural and affective terms. This makes it impossible to treat Southeast Asian studies as if this were something peripheral and external to what scholars, public intellectuals, policy-makers and activists are doing in
this region.

Building on the imperative to promote region-based Southeast Asian studies, the Center for Southeast Asian Studies at Kyoto University, in partnership with nine leading Asian and Southeast Asian Studies institutions in the region, established a Consortium for Southeast Asian Studies in Asia (SEASIA) on 11 October 2013. The consortium Charter was signed by the Center for Asia-Pacific Studies, Academia Sinica; the Institute of Asian Studies, Chulalongkorn University;
the Indonesian Institute of Sciences; the Korean Association of Southeast Asian Studies; the Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University; the Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore; the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Nanyang Technological University; the Taiwan Association of Southeast Asian Studies; the Institute of Asian Studies, Universiti Brunei Darussalam; and the Asian Center, University of the Philippines.

Professor Sunait Chutintaranond of Chulalongkorn University is Chairperson of the Governing Board. The Governing Board has the following members:

Ikrar Nusa Bhakti (Indonesian Institute of Sciences)
Eduardo Tadem (University of the Philippines)
Michael Feener (National University of Singapore)
Liu Hong (Nanyang Technological University)
Tong Chee Kiong (Universiti Brunei Darussalam)
Hsin-Huang Michael Hsiao (Academia Sinica)
Park Jang Sik (Korean Association of Southeast Asian Studies)
Shimizu Hiromu (Kyoto University): Secretary

The Secretariat is based in the Center for Southeast Asian Studies at Kyoto

SEASIA will promote Southeast Asian studies by linking the leading area studies institutions in the region in a cooperative venture to provide a multilateral forum for organizing academic meetings, seminars, workshops, and symposia. One of its main activities will be to organize a biennial conference, the first of which is expected to take place in Kyoto in 2015.

SEASIA will promote research collaboration and networking, operate as a system for sharing information and offer opportunities for education and training of young and up-and-coming scholars. It also seeks to connect institutions specializing in the natural sciences, social sciences and humanities whose scholars have an interest in, and who work on or in Southeast Asia, but do not necessarily consider themselves area studies specialists.

For any inquiries concerning SEASIA please contact Mario Lopez

Mario Lopez
Center for Southeast Asian Studies,
Kyoto University

Translation Subvention from AAS

AAS SEAC Southeast Asia
Translation Subventions

2012-13 Translation Subvention Awardees

The Translation Project Group of the Southeast Asia Council (SEAC) of the Association for Asian Studies intends to award subventions to support the translation of key texts not yet published in the social sciences and humanities from a Southeast Asian language into English. Texts, which may be of any length, will be evaluated according to their importance within a disciplinary study of Southeast Asia, or for their decisive impact on the region.

Indonesia and the Malay World

The Indonesia and the Malay World prize for an article by a young scholar £250

The Editorial Board of Indonesia and the Malay World is pleased to announce a new prize for original articles produced by young scholars ('young scholar' being defined as either someone in the process of completing their PhD or someone who has been awarded their doctorate within the last five years) working on the languages, literatures, art, archaeology, history, religion, anthropology, performing arts, cinema and tourism of the region covered by the journal (Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei, southern Thailand, southern Philippines). Award-winning submissions will be published in the journal. No rigid limit is imposed on the length of the contribution but it should be appreciated that the most suitable length is 6-8,000 words. Articles should be formatted in accordance with the style of Indonesia and the Malay World, and should be written in excellent academic English. Submissions should be submitted by email attachment, together with a brief CV, to, by 31 August 2014. Any queries should be directed to Dr Ben Murtagh,

Natural Disaster in the Philippines - ways to help

A message from CSEAS Alum George Siasoco:

As a former alumnus of UM's CSEAS program, I would like to thank everyone for your continued engagement and interest in this devastating emergency in the Philippines. 

I am currently working with USAID/Office of US Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA) which is the lead coordinating body within the USG for this emergency response. And am part of the DC based response team assisting with this effort.

We have received many inquiries especially from the Filipino diaspora on how to assist. Please direct them to Please note cash donations are best- as these will provide the different agencies on the ground with flexibility on appropriate response items. Another good resource is

Many thanks for your interest and support through emergency.


Disaster Operations Specialist

Philippines Natural Disaster

We are all deeply saddened and shocked at the massive loss of life and devastation wrought by Typhoon Haiyan, especially in the wake of the recent earthquakes that have left the people of the region struggling. 

Although CSEAS is not equipped to collect charitable donations that could be directed to the area, we did feel that the community might find it helpful to have some links on hand of reputable organizations, since fraudulent charities are a real problem in the wake of such destruction.

Included below are links to news stories that list agencies. To avoid the politics associated with any particular site, we have included several sources.

Our thoughts and condolences go out to all of the suffering and to the families and friends of the people in the area and the victims.
Call for Papers
Southeast Asia in the Disciplines
 February 28-March 2, 2014
16th Cornell Southeast Asia Program Graduate Student Conference
Kahin Center for Advanced Research on Southeast Asia
Cornell University, Ithaca NY
Keynote speaker: Prof. Tom Pepinsky (Cornell)

Abstract deadline: January 1, 2014

The Cornell Southeast Asia Program invites submissions for its 16th annual graduate student conference.  Submissions are welcome from all fields of study and on any topic or time period. The theme for this year's conference is Southeast Asia in the Disciplines. In recent decades in many segments of academia, an emphasis has been placed on the concept of interdisciplinarity. While recognizing the importance of interdisciplinarity in Southeast Asian Studies, the organizers seek to better understand how scholars approach the study of Southeast Asia from within their respective disciplines. Of particular interest are papers that reflect on the ways that a presenter's particular research engages with and/or critiques knowledge production from the vantage of their particular discipline, with a focus on research methods and methodologies, theoretical frameworks, and understandings of socio-cultural, political, environmental, and economic processes. See the SEAP online announcement for full details and for submission guidelines  

CFP: Island Cities and Urban Archipelagos

Call for Papers: Island Cities and Urban Archipelagos
Location: Denmark
'Island Cities and Urban Archipelagos'

 'Island Cities and Urban Archipelagos' is an international, interdisciplinary conference exploring how island status influences urban development, common attributes of island cities worldwide, and the opportunities that islandness presents for developing urban cultures and economies. It will also consider how and why different island cities have developed in different ways. The conference will feature presentations on a variety of subjects relating to urban island culture, government, and economy.

 Islands are often associated with peripherality, yet over the course of human history, they have also been important sites of urban development. Many important regional and global cities have developed wholly or partially on small islands or archipelagos. Physical separation from the mainland and spatial limitations along with a maritime tradition can encourage the transport of products and ideas, improved defence infrastructure, construction of social capital, consolidation of political power, formation of vibrant cultures, and concentration of population.

 Plenary Speakers: Saskia Sassen (Columbia University), Jon Pierre (University of Gothenburg), Christian Wichmann Matthiessen (University of Copenhagen), Godfrey Baldacchino (University of Malta), and Brenda S.A. Yeoh (National University of Singapore).

 The deadline for the call for papers is April 30, 2014. For more information on the conference, please visit

Adam Grydehoj
Island Dynamics
Blagards Plads 1, st.
2200 Copenhagen N
Visit the website at