Thursday, January 23, 2014

CFP: Un-thinking Asian Migrations: Spaces of flows and intersections

Call for Papers
"Un-thinking Asian Migrations: Spaces of flows and intersections"
25-26 August, 2014 University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand

The Asian Migrations Research Theme is a collective of scholars working in Asian Studies at the University of Otago that focuses on movements of peoples and ideas--past and present--in East, South, and South-East Asia and into the Pacific (encompassing the Pacific Islands, Australia, and New Zealand). It engages with the fields of diaspora, intercultural, global, and transnational studies, which have grown over the last twenty years to become key frameworks for understanding culture beyond the boundaries of one nation. We see significant shortcomings in the current theories and methodologies of Asian migration and diaspora and especially in their application to the Asia-Pacific region. Our focus on Asian migrations allows us to highlight and address these shortcomings and to develop new approaches. The goal of the Theme is to develop a theoretical and methodological framework for understanding the Asia-Pacific region as comprised by movements of peoples, ideas, and commodities.

This symposium sets out to question and challenge current Asian migration studies. It aims to build upon the interdisciplinary foundations inherent in the field and, as the area begins to reach maturity, suggests that there is now a need to broaden, re-think and more importantly, un-think how Asian migration studies are currently conceived. The conference proposes that a broadening of the concept of migration should encompass the movement of ideas, cultures, and objects (as well as people) to offer new, different and fruitful avenues of research that embrace the diversity of scholarship in this field.

The Asian Migrations Research Theme at the University of Otago invites abstracts for individual papers and panels for this symposium.

Abstracts should be no longer than 250 words; abstracts for panels should provide the title of the panel, detail the scope of the panel, and identify the convenor.

Abstracts should be submitted to
<> by 30 March 2014.

Please forward this CFP to any interested colleagues; apologies for cross-posting.

Kind regards,

on behalf of the Asian Migrations Research Theme

Vanessa B. Ward (Dr.)
Lecturer in East Asian History
Department of History & Art History
University of Otago
Tel +64 3 479 8787<>

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