Wednesday, January 29, 2014

CFP: Disasters in History: Philippines in Comparative Perspective

Disasters in History:
The Philippines in Comparative Perspective
An International Conference-Workshop
24-25 October, 2014
Ateneo de Manila University
Quezon City, Philippines

Call for Papers

The Department of History, School of Social Sciences, Ateneo de Manila
University and the journal *Philippine Studies: Historical and Ethnographic Viewpoints* invite papers to be presented in an international conference-workshop on "Disasters in History: The Philippines in Comparative Perspective" to be held on 24-25 October 2014 at the Ateneo de Manila University, Loyola Heights, Quezon City, Philippines.

The conference aims to gather historians, climate scientists, and other scholars to present and discuss papers based on new research and perspectives in the study of disasters. Papers that are explicitly historical, ethnographic, and/or comparative in orientation are most welcome.

The conference is intended to cover the histories of various disasters brought about by earthquakes, tsunamis, typhoons, volcanic eruptions, drought, and other natural hazards as historically experienced by various groups, classes, and communities in the Philippines and other parts of Asia Pacific. We invite papers that offer comparative perspectives on how different societies with differing levels of vulnerability have prepared for, confronted, experienced, and moved on from disasters in different historical periods. Papers dealing with other parts of Asia Pacific are encouraged to relate the discussion to the Philippines.

The conference aims to foster closer academic and scholarly ties and relationships between and among scholars in the Philippines and Asia who are engaged in similar and parallel projects that study disasters in

Selected papers that pass the refereeing system will be included in a special issue of *Philippine Studies: Historical and Ethnographic Viewpoints*, the quarterly published by the Ateneo de Manila University
since 1953. Articles in this journal are indexed and abstracted in several global databases such as Historical Abstracts, Project MUSE, Scopus, and JSTOR. Other publications may also be planned.

Keynote Speaker

Greg Bankoff, Professor of Modern History at the University of Hull, will deliver the keynote address. Professor Bankoff writes on environment society interactions with respect to disasters, natural hazards, human animal relation, development, resources, and community-based disaster management. Among his various publications are Cultures of Disaster: Society and Natural Hazard in the Philippines (2003) and the coedited volume Flammable Cities: Urban Conflagration and the Making of the Modern World (2012). A recent article is titled "Storm over San Isidro: Civic Community and Disaster Risk Reduction in the Nineteenth Century Philippines," Journal of Historical Sociology (2012). A list of his publications may be found in<>

Submission Guidelines

Interested paper presenters are requested to submit a 250-word abstract. Panel proposals are also welcome, and should include a brief description of the proposed panel as well as the abstracts of the individual papers in the panel.

Please submit abstracts and panel proposals by 25 June 2014. Submissions must be in Word format, and include the presenter's name, institutional affiliation, and email address.

Inquiries as well as panel and paper proposals can be addressed to:

Francis A. Gealogo, PhD <>
Chair, Department of History, School of Social Sciences
Ateneo de Manila University

Angelli F. Tugado, PhD <>
Office Manager, Philippine Studies: Historical and Ethnographic Viewpoints
School of Social Sciences, Ateneo de Manila University

Travel and Conference Subsidy

Participants are encouraged to seek funds for travel and conference participation from their home institutions.

Paper presenters will arrange their own flight and hotel accommodations in Manila.

Thank you!

Michael D. Pante
Associate Editor_Philippine Studies: Historical and Ethnographic Viewpoints_
Instructor Department of History
School of Social Sciences
Ateneo de Manila University
Quezon City 1108, Philippines
+632 4266001 loc 5241

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Call for Papers and Participation: Summer School for Doctoral Researchers on the Philippines

School of Social Sciences, Loyola Schools
Ateneo de Manila University

*Theme: Historical and ethnographic approaches to Philippine culture*

June 1-4, 2014
Ateneo de Manila University
Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines

*Call for papers and participation*
The Institute of Philippine Culture (IPC), School of Social Sciences,
Ateneo de Manila University, invites applications from PhD students in the
social sciences or interdisciplinary programs to submit papers and attend
the *Second (2014) IPC Summer School for PhD Students in Philippine Studies*.
This will be held at the* Ateneo de Manila University from June 1 to 4,
2014, *with the theme *"Historical and ethnographic approaches to
Philippine culture."* Given this theme, the IPC Summer School addresses
questions about how historical and ethnographic approaches contribute to a
closer understanding of Philippine social realities, what principles inform
their conceptual and methodological orientations, and whether these
approaches can be extended to other aspects of Philippine studies.
Historical and ethnographic approaches to Philippine Studies will be the
focus of the lectures that will be delivered by the workshop moderators, *Dr.
Patricio N. Abinales *and *Dr. Ramon Guillermo*.

The program will also include presentations by the students of their papers
and subsequent discussion by the group of participants. The theme as
broadly defined should allow students to relate their work to one or more
of the summer school's emphases and concerns.

Doctoral students who are enrolled in either a Philippine or overseas
university conducting research on the Philippines may apply. Revised
versions of the papers presented in the Summer School will be considered
for publication in *Philippine Studies: Historical and Ethnographic

The IPC will cover travel and lodging expenses, and meals during the Summer

Interested candidates are requested to submit the following documents
by 15 April 2014:
a)  Accomplished application form (please see file attachment)

b)  A curriculum vitae

c)  A paper that is *4,000 - 5,000 words in length*, including notes and
references. It should not have been previously published, nor should it
have been submitted to any journal for possible publication. (A paper that
had been passed as a course requirement can be submitted, as long as it had
never been published or submitted to a journal for consideration, and as
long as it hews to the guidelines for content and format herein described).
The paper should include a clearly delineated research problem, a
background on the topic and a review of related literature, the theoretical
approach(es), methodological approach(es), findings, and conclusions of the
study. It should be typed as a Microsoft Word file, formatted to print on
A4 (8.27" x 11.69")-size paper, double-spaced, use a 12-point font
(preferably Times New Roman 12), employ italics rather than underlining (except
with URL addresses), and page-numbered at the top right side. Figures
and/or tables should be used minimally, referenced properly (the source
cited), and placed within the main text of the paper, rather than at the
end. Subheadings must be provided as appropriate. The paper should use
citations* (not notes and bibliography) based on the *Chicago Manual of
Style, 16th edition* (kindly refer to the author-date sample citations at

d) An abstract of about 100 words

e) A list of university grades completed, and if possible, the grades.

f) A letter of recommendation from the dissertation adviser that comments
on the IPC Summer School applicant and the paper that is being submitted to
the IPC Summer School. Information from the dissertation adviser on the
applicant's proposed or ongoing research for her or his dissertation
(including the stage of the research and the anticipated date of
completion) would be valuable and appreciated.

*How to submit:*

Application materials should be submitted via email or through a postal or
courier service *by 15 April 2014*. For submissions via email, kindly send
application materials to * <>*.
Applications may also be sent to:

The IPC Summer School Selection Committee
Room 213, Institute of Philippine Culture
Frank Lynch Hall, Social Development Complex
Ateneo de Manila University
Loyola Heights, Quezon City
1108 Philippines

Selection results will be announced by *late April 2014*.

For inquiries, please contact:

Marita Concepcion Castro Guevara, PhD
Institute of Philippine Culture
Ateneo de Manila University
Tel: (63-2) 6067 ext. 213

Friday, January 24, 2014

CFP: The Ethics of Religious Giving in Asia

9-10 October 2014
Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore

Is charity altruistic or egoistically motivated? Are there ethical and unethical religious giving? Is there anything specifically ‘Asian’ about particular conceptions of ethical giving? What are our alternatives to thinking through such issues beyond simple dichotomies?

Religious groups and individuals have been providing goods and services for the poor and needy throughout history and across the globe. Though most religious doctrines teach caring for the underprivileged, the actual practices and perceptions of what is considered ‘proper’ kinds of giving, and the precautions prospective recipients have to take against possible harm, vary considerably across time and traditions. This international and interdisciplinary conference is designed to explore the ethics of religious giving in Asian contexts, historically and ethnographically. With the term ‘ethics’ we refer here to both an accepted system of codes of conduct and the Durkheimian sense of “means to achieve social cohesion.” The term ‘religious giving’ is used to indicate broadly any kind of gifts/services that are delivered by religious individuals, communities or institutions in order to serve the material and emotional needs of people who are not close kin. The wider goal of the conference is to explore diverse configurations of conceptions of reciprocity, as well as, the relationship between ideas (ethics) and action (giving). This conference will bring together scholars from across the region and the world to engage in discussions of these issues, drawing on material from detailed case studies. These explorations of what people actually do and think on the ground are intended to contribute both empirically and theoretically to the understanding of religion and development in Asian societies.

The objectives of this conference are:

•  to bring the thorny issue of ethics to the foreground of the conversation on Religion and Development in Asia
•  to examine historically and ethnographically the ethical dilemmas and decisions in the everyday lives of people involved in religious charity and philanthropy to map the circulation of ideas and practices of religious charity across diverse geographical areas and among different religious or secular traditions in Asia

We invite original research papers that ask the following questions:

-   What are the gifts and services that are being delivered by different religious groups and individuals? What determines who are the needy and what kind of services are most desirable?
-   What constitutes ‘ethical giving’? How do different religions and denominations vary in their understanding of poverty/need/underdevelopment and practice of giving due to theological concerns and/or distinctive roles in multifarious socio-political systems?
-   How do the donors and recipients respond to particular forms of religious giving? How do the religious groups deal with the consequences of such ethical issue?
-   Has the involvement on the giving or receiving end made people more prone to conversion to certain religions? How do we understand the ethics of those conversions?
-   What do religious individuals and groups gain or lose during this process? Is there a rise of universal humanitarianism replacing the traditional moral values that are in the territory of religious organizations?

Paper proposals should include a title, an abstract of 350 words maximum and a brief personal biography of 150 words for submission by 9 March 2014. Please send all proposals to Dr Wu Keping at For a copy of the submission form, click here.

Successful applicants will be notified by 9 April and are required to send in a completed draft paper (5,000 - 8,000 words) by 9 September. Based on the quality of proposals and availability of funds, partial or full funding will be granted to successful applicants. Participants are therefore encouraged to seek fund for travel from their home institutions. Full funding covers air travel to Singapore by the most economical means, plus board and lodging for the duration of the conference.


Dr WU KepingAsia Research Institute, National University of Singapore
Assoc Prof Michael FEENERAsia Research Institute, and Department of History,
National University of Singapore

Thursday, January 23, 2014

CFP: Un-thinking Asian Migrations: Spaces of flows and intersections

Call for Papers
"Un-thinking Asian Migrations: Spaces of flows and intersections"
25-26 August, 2014 University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand

The Asian Migrations Research Theme is a collective of scholars working in Asian Studies at the University of Otago that focuses on movements of peoples and ideas--past and present--in East, South, and South-East Asia and into the Pacific (encompassing the Pacific Islands, Australia, and New Zealand). It engages with the fields of diaspora, intercultural, global, and transnational studies, which have grown over the last twenty years to become key frameworks for understanding culture beyond the boundaries of one nation. We see significant shortcomings in the current theories and methodologies of Asian migration and diaspora and especially in their application to the Asia-Pacific region. Our focus on Asian migrations allows us to highlight and address these shortcomings and to develop new approaches. The goal of the Theme is to develop a theoretical and methodological framework for understanding the Asia-Pacific region as comprised by movements of peoples, ideas, and commodities.

This symposium sets out to question and challenge current Asian migration studies. It aims to build upon the interdisciplinary foundations inherent in the field and, as the area begins to reach maturity, suggests that there is now a need to broaden, re-think and more importantly, un-think how Asian migration studies are currently conceived. The conference proposes that a broadening of the concept of migration should encompass the movement of ideas, cultures, and objects (as well as people) to offer new, different and fruitful avenues of research that embrace the diversity of scholarship in this field.

The Asian Migrations Research Theme at the University of Otago invites abstracts for individual papers and panels for this symposium.

Abstracts should be no longer than 250 words; abstracts for panels should provide the title of the panel, detail the scope of the panel, and identify the convenor.

Abstracts should be submitted to
<> by 30 March 2014.

Please forward this CFP to any interested colleagues; apologies for cross-posting.

Kind regards,

on behalf of the Asian Migrations Research Theme

Vanessa B. Ward (Dr.)
Lecturer in East Asian History
Department of History & Art History
University of Otago
Tel +64 3 479 8787<>

Monday, January 20, 2014

Conference: Borderlands of Becoming, Belonging, and Sharing

The International Academic Forum in conjunction with its global partners
including the Cultural Studies Association of Australasia is proud to
announce the Fourth Asian Conference on Asian Studies, to be held from May
29-June 1, at the Rihga Royal Hotel and the adjoining Osaka International
Conference Center.

Conference Theme: Borderlands of Becoming, Belonging and Sharing

Local, national and global cultures have been transformed by an
intensification of human migration, mobility and multi-culture with
multiple and complex claims of home, identity and belonging. Gloria
Anzaldua?s idea of the borderland has become a critical conceptual rubric
used by cultural researchers as a way of understanding, explaining and
articulating the in-determined, vague, ambiguous nature of everyday life
and the cultural politics of border-knowledge, border crossings,
transgression, living in-between and multiple belongings. Borderlands is
also about a social space where people of diverse backgrounds and
identities meet and share a space in which the politics of co-presence and
co-existence are experienced and enacted in mundane ways. This conference,
which focuses on the borderlands of becoming, belonging and sharing, is
therefore about examining how the culture of everyday life is regulated and
contested across diverse political, economic and social contexts, and!
 whether and how it creates spaces of belonging with others.

The aim of this conference theme is to open up discussion, critical
reflection and analysis about emerging social, political and cultural
identities that are formed at the intersection of multiple and multi-sited
belongings and their expression and about the possibility of making them
shared across differences. We welcome papers that focus on (but not limited

* Trans-cultural displacement/belonging
* Belonging and the intersections of gender, race, religion, sexuality
* Seeking refuge, unruly belonging(s) and border politics
* Trauma and joy of becoming and belonging
* Communication, new technologies and belonging
* Cultural narratives of belonging/not belonging
* Cultural politics of survival/transgression
* New imaginings/formations of home
* Citizenship beyond borders
* Multicultural exhaustion/renewal
* Belonging in the Anthropocene
* Multiple and complex belongings
* Re-locating culture across borders
* Convivial cultures and the imagined communities
* Creation of shared space(s) of multiple belongings

Submission Procedure General Information

Abstracts of no more than 250 words should be submitted by February 1, 2014.
All abstracts will be blind reviewed by a voluntary team, and authors will
usually be notified of the decision of the reviewers within two weeks of
submission. Those who submit near the February deadline will receive
confirmation of acceptance or rejection by February 15, 2014.

All accepted authors may have their full paper published in the online
conference proceedings. Full text submission is due by July 1, 2014.

The deadline for full conference payment for all presenters is May 1, 2014.

For the detail, please visit:

We hope that the 2014 conference theme will encourage academic and personal
encounters and exchanges across national, religious, cultural and
disciplinary divides. We look forward to seeing you (again) in Osaka!

Professor Baden Offord
Professor of Cultural Studies & Human Rights, Southern Cross University,
ACCS/ACAS 2014 Conference Chair

Professor Koichi Iwabuchi
Professor of Media and Cultural Studies, Monash University, Australia
Director of the Monash University Asia Institute
ACCS/ACAS 2014 Conference Co-Chair

Friday, January 17, 2014

Paid internship for advanced undergraduate or beginning graduate students; Field Museum, Chicago

Department: Science & Education
2 Full-Time Paid Internships

Job Description
The Field Museum is pleased to announce two 2014 Regenstein Pacific Collections Internships. 
Both internships this year will be dedicated to the co-curation of the Museum's outstanding ethnographic collections from the Philippines in partnership with Filipino-Americans here in Chicago ( This is a paid internship for full-time work over a 12 week period, usually during the summer months although other scheduling is possible.
One of these internships will be awarded to an advanced undergraduate or beginning graduate student to work under the supervision of Jamie Kelly (Head of Anthropology Collections) and John Edward Terrell, Ph.D. (Regenstein Curator of Pacific Anthropology) with our co-curatorial partners from the Filipino-American community in Chicago to develop an ESRI "story map" website ( featuring objects and images from and about the Philippines and the remarkable heritage objects co-curated here at the Museum.
A second internship will be awarded to a beginning graduate student.  Also under the supervision of Kelly and Terrell, this intern will work directly with our co-curatorial partners to facilitate community engagement with objects at the Museum from the Philippines on the marae of Ruatepupuke II at the Museum (


These internships will be awarded to individuals currently studying anthropology, art history, museum studies, or a related field who have the following:
  • Proven verbal and written communication skills
  • Demonstrated familiarity with anthropology as a discipline
  • The ability to work effectively as members of a team on a variety of tasks
  • Has hands-on familiarity with photography and processing digital information
See here for more:

Thursday, January 16, 2014

CFP: Migration in Global History: Peoples, Plants, Plagues, and Ports

CFP: Third Congress of the Asian Association of World Historians

"Migration in Global History: Peoples, Plants, Plagues, and Ports"

Nanyang Technological University


29-31 May, 2015

The Asian Association of World Historians (AAWH) invites proposals for panels and papers at its Third Congress to be held May 29-31, 2015 at the Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Proposals must be submitted by October 1, 2014 in order to receive full consideration.

The theme of the Congress is *Migration in Global History: Peoples, Plants, Plagues, and Ports*. Understood in the broadest sense, "migration" brings into focus *questions about the movement of peoples, businesses, capital, ideas, goods, diseases, technologies, diverse forms of knowledge, artistic styles, ecologies, as well as medical and scientific discoveries and practices across global borders.* Ports such as Singapore's facilitated these movements, which enmeshed the globe in profound change. The 2015 AAWH Congress considers these subjects in their global, world, transregional, interdisciplinary, comparative, international, and big historical contexts, and welcomes proposals related to the Congress theme.

While the Congress committee welcomes panels and papers that address *Migration in Global History*, it will also consider proposals related to other topics on the history of the Asia-Pacific from global and world
perspectives, including (but not limited to) the interdisciplinary history of science, technology, medicine, business, and the environment. Proposals addressing the epistemology and methodology of teaching and writing global, world, transnational, and big history are also welcomed.

Panels should comprise three or four papers with a chair and commentator. Roundtables involving a chair and three to five participants are also welcomed. Alternative arrangements will be considered. All of these should be elaborated in the proposal, which should also include a 250-word rationale for the panel, an abstract of each paper not exceeding 500 words, and a 1-page CV of each presenter. Please include audiovisual requests, if you have any. 

All proposals should be submitted to, with the subject line "2015 AAWH Congress Proposal." If you wish to submit your proposal by postal service, it should be dispatched to:

2015 AAWH Congress Committee
History General Office
School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Nanyang Technological University
14 Nanyang Drive
Singapore 637332
Republic of Singapore

The deadline for submissions is October 1, 2014. Decisions on participation will be made known in November 2014 and further instructions on registration will be given thereafter.


If you have questions about the program or anything else related to conference logistics, please contact the 2015 AAWH Congress Committee at


The Congress will be held at the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. For information on how to get to the university campus, visit More information will be provided when registration begins in 2014. 


The organizing committee has secured a limited number of rooms for participants at the Nanyang Executive Centre. The centre is located amidst the tranquil settings and soothing greenery at the Yunnan Garden campus of Nanyang Technological University. For more information on the Nanyang Executive Centre, visit More information on alternative accommodation will be provided when registration begins in 2014.


Participants are eligible to apply for grants to subsidize the cost of attending the 2015 AAWH Congress. Priority will be given to scholars from late developing countries who receive no or limited financial support from their home institutions. The Congress organizers will reimburse the scholar upon submission of receipts. Funds will not be awarded unless the organizing committee accepts the applicant's panel or paper proposal.
Graduate students who are applying for financial support need to produce an official letter from their graduate advisors confirming the unavailability of institutional financial support for their attendance at the Congress.

For more information, pleasecontact the 2015 AAWH Congress Committee at and write in the subject line of the email:
"2015 AAWH Travel Assistance."

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Position: fieldwork research in Indonesia

Talented and eager ethnographic researchers wanted to conduct case studies of health information and social action interventions in Tanzania and Indonesia. The research project is being conducted by scholars and practitioners at the Ash Center of the Harvard Kennedy School and the Results for Development Institute in Washington, D.C. Each scholar will be expected to closely observe between 5-10 communities in one of the two countries for two years to document the social and political processes of informational intervention, dissemination, reception, social action, and response. These case studies will be paired with separate quantitative survey studies of a larger group of communities. This project is ideal for doctoral students who plan to do field work and write dissertations in either Tanzania or Indonesia. Research project will provide travel, a stipend of $26,000 per year, and language training as needed. Strong references a must and prior field research experience a strong plus.

Friends of the University of Wisconsin-Madison Libraries Grants in Aid CFP

Friends of the University of Wisconsin-Madison Libraries Grants-In-Aid Call for Applications 2014
Location: Wisconsin, United States
Grant Application Deadline: Feb 1, 2014

 The Friends of the University of Wisconsin Madison Libraries are pleased to announce their 2014 Call for Grants-in-Aid Application. The awards are generally for a one months duration for research in the humanities, sciences and related fields appropriate to the libraries collection strengths. Awards are made up to $2,000 each for recipients from North America and $3,000 for those from elsewhere in the world.

 Applications are due February 1 of any year. For application forms or more information, go to, or Friends of the University of Wisconsin Madison Libraries, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 330H Memorial Library, 728 State St., Madison, WI 53706, or contact the Friends at 608-265-2505; fax: 608-265-2754, E-mail:

Monday, January 13, 2014

Summer study programs: Indonesian, Thai, and Cambodian

Summer Advanced Indonesian Abroad Program 2014

Advanced Language Program Dates: June 19 - August 13, 2014
Location: Language Training Center, Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana (UKSW) in Salatiga, Central Java, Indonesia

Applicants must have completed second-year (Intermediate) Indonesian language by June 2014. 

Almost-full scholarships are available for U.S. citizens and permanent residents from the U.S. Department of Education through a Fulbright-Hays grant to UCLA.  Other applicants who can provide their own funding (such as FLAS fellowships) are also welcome to apply.

Application Deadline: February 17, 2014

Sponsored by the UCLA Center for Southeast Asian Studies.

Summer Advanced Study of Thai Program 2014

With the assistance of the Chiang Mai University Language Institute a special language learning opportunity will be available from mid-June through mid-August in 2014.  The instruction will be comparable to former AST programs and will be analogous to AST programs that were supported by USED for many years until 2012.  Participants must obtain their own funding.

The program will be eight weeks in length, providing interactive learning with authentic materials and will emphasize communicative competence.  Instructors will be native speakers and will meet with students three hours per day, five days per week, plus an additional three hour session on Wednesday afternoons.  The total number of instructor-contact hours is estimated to be 132.  Students will be eligible for summer FLAS awards from their home institutions.  Classes  will commence on June 23 and end onAugust 15, 2014.  The focus of the program will be advanced reading (politics, family, economics, religion), advanced writing (letters, reports, creative writing), advanced conversation (newspapers, tv, internet, issues discussion), and field learning (public education, religion, social welfare, business).

The administration of AST 2014 will take place in the Southeast Asia Center of the University of Washington and the contact person is the Associate Director of the Center, Dr. Sara Van Fleet.  The field director of the program will be Dr. Thomas W. Gething, emeritus affiliate professor of Asian Languages & Literature and the Southeast Asia Center.

Interested individuals should contact Dr. Gething at or 206.612.3005 in order to obtain details of the application process.

Summer Junior Resident Fellowship Program in Siem Reap, Cambodia

Deadline for Applications: April 1, 2014

The Center for Khmer Studies (CKS) is offering 5 American, 5 Cambodian and 5 French undergraduate students an exciting opportunity to join a 6 week (from Monday June 30, 2014 to Friday August 8, 2014) Summer Junior Resident Fellowship Program in Cambodia. The program provides a unique experience allowing students to live and study alongside others from different backgrounds and cultures while learning about the history and society of today’s Cambodia. During their residency students will be based at the CKS campus in Siem Reap, which is situated in the beautiful grounds of Wat Damnak, one of the town’s largest Buddhist pagodas, only minutes away from the famous Angkor World Heritage Site with its enigmatic temples. It has a full range of study and research facilities, including the largest publicly accessible research library outside of Phnom Penh with over 12,000 books, journals and other reading materials in English French and Khmer, study carrels for up to twenty fellows, a spacious seminar room and conference hall. Resident fellows will also spend time studying in Cambodia’s capital city Phnom Penh.