Wednesday, May 13, 2015

SEAC Call For Papers

SEAC Call For Papers
Urban Exclusion in Southeast Asia
Rising Voices in Southeast Asian Studies
Deadline June 15, 2015
The Southeast Asia Council of the Association for Asian Studies seeks early-career scholars from Southeast Asia to submit papers for a panel on Urban Exclusion in Southeast Asia. We aim to develop a panel that showcases rising voices and scholarly talent from Southeast Asia, and the panel will be included in the program of the 2016 Annual Conference of the Association for Asian Studies, to be held in Seattle, Washington from March 31April 3, 2016.

For this year’s Rising Voices Panel, we seek to build a panel on the broad topic of “Urban Exclusion in Southeast Asia”. The exact panel description will be developed and refined once panelists have been selected, but the theme is designed to be inclusive enough to solicit a wide range of applicants from the region. Papers can discuss overt or tacit forms of exclusion (or both), and may pursue the topic from any disciplinary angle, either contemporary or historical. The only restriction regarding proposed paper topics is that they must be about “Southeast Asia” and “urban exclusion.”

For further details on this year’s panel topic, eligibility, and selection criteria, please visit the call for papers at  Further questions may be addressed to this year’s panel organizer: