Thursday, June 18, 2015



Call for submissions
Southeast Asia Council's annual prize recognizes emerging scholarship in the field of Southeast Asian studies, from any disciplinary perspective. Graduate students at any stage, enrolled at the time of submission, are eligible and welcome to apply. The committee invites papers that fit the definition of 'conference papers,' i.e. of a length and scope that can be presented on an AAS panel, and that make an intellectual and/or methodological contribution to the study of Southeast Asia.

The papers for the next competition must be submitted following the AAS conference in Seattle, by 3 pm April 3, 2016. Please submit your paper and proof of student status to the committee Chair David Biggs at
Any questions regarding the prize can be sent to the same email address.
The award of $500 and a certificate will be presented at the 2017 AAS in Toronto.

*The prize honors the memory of Pattana Kitiarsa who was Associate Professor in the Department of Southeast Asian Studies, National University of Singapore. He was born in the northeastern Thai province of Nong Khai and maintained his roots in this Lao-speaking region.  As a scholar, teacher, and friend he touched
many people's lives. Sadly, Pattana passed away from cancer at the age of 46.
With his passing the field lost one of its leading scholars of
Southeast Asian labor, religion, class, and media

Conference:Tensions and Transformations: Southeast Asia in a changing world, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada October 15-17, 2015

Conference theme: Tensions and Transformations: Southeast Asia in a changing world  
Hosted by: SIGDS, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada
October 15-17, 2015
Conference Steering Committee: Melissa Marschke, Danielle Labbé, David Webster, Derek Hall, Jean-Philippe Leblond
The 2015 CCSEAS Conference Steering Committee invites abstract submissions for the Canadian Council of Southeast Asian Studies (CCSEAS) 2015 conference. CCSEAS encourages dialogue across and between the humanities and social sciences to explore multiple themes, challenges and transformations relating to Southeast Asia. We welcome panel, paper, and roundtable abstracts from researchers, civil society organizations, graduate students and professors working and researching in Southeast Asia. We are honoured to announce our two keynote speakers for CCSEAS 2015: Dr. Rodolphe De Koninck and Dr. Jacqueline A. Siapno.
Participants will present their work as part of a panel session, a roundtable, or as an individual paper in French, English or both languages. We particularly welcome panel abstract submissions. All abstracts should be less than 200 words, with proposed panel abstracts including a short overview of the panel in addition to individual paper abstracts. Note that we encourage panels that consist either of three panelists and a discussant or of four panelists. Individual paper abstracts will be reviewed and grouped into thematic panels. Roundtable discussions on pressing issues are strongly supported. Please submit your abstracts by filling out the appropriate form by clicking here.
Please note that membership in the Canadian Asian Studies Association (CASA) is mandatory in order to participate at the CCSEAS conference, but you can submit your abstracts before being a member. Details on how to join or to renew your membership will follow.
Finally, we may be able to offer limited financial support to a few Southeast Asian graduate students, or to those traveling from greater distances to present their work. If you would like to request such assistance, please email us We will offer a prize for the best student presentation.
Abstract Submission Deadline: June 30, 2015
Confirmation of Acceptance: 
August 15, 2015
Registration deadline to be in program: September 15, 2015