Monday, August 8, 2016

Human Rights Conference at Asia Centre, Bangkok

Asia Centre -an independent non-profit think-tank based in Bangkok- is bringing together academics and researchers for an evidence-based analysis of the Universal Periodic Review's (UPR)  impact on Southeast Asia. 

About the conference
All Southeast Asian states have undergone two review cycles of their respective human rights situations under the process.But what is the impact of the UPR on human rights in the region? And does the focus on constructive dialogue and the state-centric nature of the process help improve the situation?
This conference seeks to critically examine the UPR process through evidence-based research to evaluate its impact on SoutheastAsian states and societies. 
The findings will be compiled into a publication after the seminar. Participants will be given the opportunity to revise their papers following the conference.
We will also be accepting submissions on the Asia-Pacific region.

Abstract Submission
Submit an abstract of 300 words and a short bio by 15th August 2016. Please note that this is the final extension for submission of abstracts.
For more information please refer to the attached call for abstracts or visit our website.
Full Papers are due on 1st September 2016.

Conference Details
Date: 15th -17th September 2016
Venue: Asia Centre, Bangkok, Thailand.
Conference Fees: USD 200
USD 150 Early bird rate until 31 July 2016 (Closed)
                             USD 75   Special Student Rate

For inquiries, please contact Michelle @