Call for Panels/Papers
Association of South East Asian Studies in the UK Annual Conference
12th-14th September 2014
University of Brighton | Brighton, Sussex, UK
The 2014 ASEASUK Conference is being hosted at the University of Brighton’s Falmer campus five minutes from Brighton city centre and will include keynote addresses, workshops and performances, publishers fair and a conference dinner at Brighton Pavilion. The conference provides a first class opportunity to share research and network with established and early career scholars of South East Asia from across a wide range of academic disciplines in a convivial and friendly setting.
ASEASUK invites proposals for panels on any theme relating to South East Asian Studies. We encourage submissions from a wide range of disciplines and welcome the participation of early career scholars and those based in the South-East Asian region. Panel sessions will normally include five papers of 20 minutes each (including time for questions) or four papers and a discussant. Panel organisers are responsible for nominating a chair and (if required) a discussant for the panel. Heavily subscribed panels may run across two panel sessions. Panel proposals should take the form of a panel outline of no more than 200 words, which will be published on the conference website and in the conference programme. Panel chairs are responsible for collecting paper abstracts from panellists. Paper abstracts should be no more than 200 words and must include a title, author affiliation and contact details. Your panel proposal should include your panel outline, name, affiliation and contact details of panel chair/s and submitted abstract authors. Please note that the focus of the conference is South East Asia so whilst there is no restriction on academic discipline, papers must be focused on countries of that region (Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Vietnam).
Submit your panel proposal and abstracts to the conference committee no later than 31 January 2014.
The ASEASUK conference also includes an open panel for papers not affiliated to any particular panel. If you wish to submit a paper for consideration in the open panel, please send a 200 word abstract (with your affiliation and contact details) to the organising committee by 31 January 2014.
Please note that to participate in the conference, you must be a member of ASEASUK. Membership gives you access to a number of privileges, including ASEASUK News, networking and early notification of funding opportunities. If you wish to register as a member, this should be done prior to conference registration.
Check the ASEASUK website for details:<http://aseasuk. Online registration will open from January 2014 on the ASEASUK website
Please contact us if you have any questions about panel organisation or abstract submission. We look forward to receiving your panel proposal and abstracts.
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