Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs
Special Issue: Democracy and Human Rights in Southeast Asia (publication in late 2014)
The progress of democratisation and the corresponding implementation of universally acclaimed human rights protection standards in the Southeast Asian region is of interest to many scholars. This special issue seeks to bring together papers that track the progress democratization as well as the development of human rights norms and institutions in the region. In particular, it seeks to analyse the implementation of democratic values and human rights norms in ASEAN states by the various stakeholders - both state and non-state actors. The nascent ASEAN human rights regime - the Declaration and the Inter-Governmental Commission - represents a significant signpost reflecting awareness by both democratic and authoritarian states of the need for greater attention to human rights promotion and protection. At the same time, this signpost also points to the constraints facing democratisation and the effective implementation of these human rights norms. The contestation on these two fronts represents the tensions around efforts to forge a common regional value on democracy and human rights. This special issue aims to analyse the contesting discourses on democracy and human rights and evaluate their impact on the implementation of the emerging ASEAN human rights regime.
Guest Editors:
Dr. James Gomez, Associate Professor, School of International Studies, Universiti Utara Malaysia
Dr. Robin Ramcharan, Professor and Head, College of Arts and Social Sciences, Webster University (Thailand). Email:<mailto:
Submission Guidelines
The special issue is scheduled for publication in late 2014. Papers are welcome from all disciplinary areas. An initial 500 word abstract should be sent to James Gomez and Robin Ramcharan by April 1, 2014. Full papers will be due by July 1, 2014 and will be peer reviewed. Research articles should not exceed 10,000 words (incl. footnotes and references). The Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs only accepts English-language articles. For detailed submission guidelines see: <www.CurrentSoutheastAsianAffa
About: Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs (JCSAA) JCSSA is an internationally refereed academic journal published by the GIGA Institute of Asian Studies, Hamburg. Aside from the print edition JCSAA will also be available online as an open access journal. Articles to be published should be written in English and submitted exclusively to this publication. The Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs is devoted to the dissemination of scholarly insights to a wide audience. The topics covered should therefore not only be orientated towards specialists in Southeast Asian affairs, but should also be of relevance to readers with a practical interest in the region.
GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies
Institute of Asian Studies
Rothenbaumchaussee 32 . 20148 Hamburg . Germany
Phone: +49 40 4288740 . Fax: +49 40 4107945
Universiti Utara Malaysia Official Website
Ms. Christine Berg, M.A., Editorial Management
GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies
Leibniz-Institut f?r Globale und Regionale Studien
Neuer Jungfernstieg 21
20354 Hamburg, Germany
Tel. 0049-40-42825-583, room 319
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