2014 International Symposium
Waterfront Asian Cultural Landscape
Organised by: ACLA Asian Cultural Landscape Association, and SNU Urban
Greening Institute, Seoul National University, Korea
Date: October 7th (Tue.) - 9th (Thur.) 2014.
Venue: International Conference Hall, Seoul National University, Seoul,
ACLA, Asian Cultural Landscape Association, is an organisation that promotes the physical, natural and cultural heritagescapes, traditions, crafts and creativity as driving forces for overall sustainable landscape development; and the generation of cross-cultural integration and strategies for a balanced socio-economic and cultural development. Apart from organising annual symposium, herewith, ACLA call for the entries on undergraduates design competition, together with the support of Urban Greeting Institute, Seoul National University.
The Preamble
Says an ancient Indian text that, "Water thou art the source of all things and of all existence". Water is symbolised as foundation of all the civilisations, ensuring long life and creative energy and are the principle
of all healing. Local waterfronts have acquired increasing relevance to the economic development of human settlements, and in turn afforded themselves as key nodes in globalization processes and tourism development on the line of sustainable landscape planning. A crucial aspect of the competitive repositioning of Asian towns in the global arena is the capacity of post-industrial waterfronts for urban and environmental and sustainable development. As these cities shift from industrial to service economies,the qualities of their urban spaces become increasingly important and need for clean water becomes more crucial. The visibility of waterfront areas and its access to other parts of the city become assets to the redevelopment of these places. As such, waterfront developments have attracted the attention of different institutions interested and involved in varying aspects of such development through varieties of stakeholders and degrees of public participation.
The ACLA-2014 Symposium will provide a platform for interacting driving thoughts and practices that are resulting from cultural landscapic transformation of the urban waterfront spaces in Asian cities, within their economic, political, socio-cultural and landscapic milieu, resulting in the formation of varieties of waterscapes, visualscapes and faithscapes. Changes in public-policy and traditional practices governing land-use on the waterfront have further allowed for the new spatial configurations, including the changing roles of actors and agencies in the transformations of waterfronts. In these purviews and perspectives discourses will be performed and a rational strategy will be formed in understanding, envisioning and re-making of waterscapes in Asia. The overall changing
spatial relationship of the waterfront with the city is the main emphasis of the Symposium, presuming a dictum that new spatialities will be generated by the re-development of the waterfronts potentially lead to create new meanings for the urban spaces of the Asian cities.
The Focal themes/ Sub-themes (but not limited to):
(a) Waterfront Cultural Landscape: Theoretical Frame and Images (integrity of water-land-landscape, water-plant-gardening, spatial pattern and designing, waterfront cities, water-plant landscaping, water-smart landscaping, Water-smart landscapes vs. Xeriscapes, etc.)
(b) Farming Cultural Landscape: Lifestyle and Practices (such as, lowland, wetlands, highland, paddy field, terraces and terrace paddy, salt farm, efficient irrigation, wisely water use, etc.)
(c) Human Settlements: Spatial Structure and Morphology (waterfront siting, village, towns, floating village, waterfront landscaping and settlements, water-wise garden, waterfront and waterways developments, etc.)
(d) Religion and Symbolism: Ritualscapes, Faithscapes (Sacrality in space and time, the routes, spatiality of time, temporality of space, Sacred Cities and pilgrimages, etc.)
Deadlines & Format
* Deadline of Abstract: The abstracts submission deadline by e-mail is 31st May 2014.
* Abstracts: maximum of 250 words in MSwd.doc file, and should NOT include figure/s.
* Abstract Outline: In the abstract, please include session topics, title, name of the authors including complete mailing address and e-mail, Tel./Mobile, and elaborate the focus, field study and prospects, in one MSwd.doc file and send as attachment.
* Deadline of Decision: Your abstract will be peer reviewed by the Scientific Committee. Authors will be notified about the decision regarding the acceptance or rejection of the abstract via e-mail by 30th June 2014.
* Deadline for Paper: for submission of the full papers is 15th August 2014. A template for full papers will be provided after acceptance as a presenter, if required.
* Paper Format: Abstracts accepted for a paper presentation at the Symposium, should be developed as paper/s (3,500 - 6,000max words in length; Harvard Manuel of format strictly to be followed: all the reference be cited by surname and year within parentheses, and arranged alphabetically at the end; no footnotes to be incorporated; feel free to contact us for further help if required), which will be published in the ACLA proceedings, and research anthologies from a standard and established publisher/s.
Registration Fee
Full Registration Fee for outside Participants: KRW 250,000 (i.e. US$250).
Registration Fee for Local Participants, without accommodation: KRW 100,000 (i.e. US$ 100).
Registration Fee for Observers and other Participants: KRW 100,000 (i.e. US$ 100).
Note: All the payments be transacted or transferred in KRW.
Registration Fee includes subsidised accommodation for three-night (shared basis), meals, local hospitalities, and field-trip (countryside waterfront heritage site), and all the proceedings and kits.
First of all, it is our great pleasure to welcome all distinguished participants to the 4th International Symposium on "Waterfront Asian Cultural Landscape", organised under the aegis of the ACLA: Asian Cultural Landscape Association, at Seoul National University, Seoul, KOREA.
The feedback from the discussions facilitated by this Symposium may find future application in making waterfront cultural landscapes more serene and sensitive environmentally, aesthetically, visually and visionary in Asian
region and serve as a model frame for other parts of the world. We hope this Symposium can provide inspiration to experts in creating and generating new models and platforms in this direction to sustainable waterfront habitat development.
The Symposium's schedule contains many activities designed to help and organize the networking of experts and practitioners in Cultural Landscapes and Heritagescapes in Asian region to facilitate the sharing of expertise
for waterfront cultural landscape and planning.
We promise you that we will make every endeavour to ensure your time here fulfilling, enriching and awakening. We wish to welcome you all and hope you have a wonderful experience attending the Symposium, workshops, and technical excursions.
Thank you very much,
Sung-Kyun KIM
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