SFS Asian Studies Program • Box 571040 • 37th and O Streets NW • Washington, DC 20057 • Phone: (202) 687-6636 • Fax (202) 687-7397
The Georgetown Journal of Asian Affairs is a new initiative launched by the Asian Studies Program at the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service. The Journal is now accepting research articles from undergraduate and graduate students for its inaugural issue, which is scheduled to be printed in fall 2014. We welcome papers written on any topic pertinent to countries in Central, Northeast,Southeast, and South Asia. The deadline for submissions is August 15, 2014.
Submissions should be emailed to guasiajournal@gmail.com in a form of Word document. Please do NOT submit in PDF format. All submissions must include an abstract (100-200 words). Authors should include a short bio in the email text, but should avoid any self-identification in the manuscript as we send our articles out for anonymous review.
• Length: Manuscripts should be 5,000-7,000 words in length.
• Font: Please use Times New Roman, 12-point size, and 1-inch/2.5-centimeter margins on all sides.
• Style: Authors should follow The Chicago Manual of Style, 15th edition.
Submissions must NOT be plagiarized, copyrighted, or under review elsewhere. Citations should be formatted as footnotes. Please also include a full bibliography at the end.
The Journal reserves the right to accept or reject submissions. By submitting content to the Journal, the author agrees to transfer copyright as well as exclusive rights to publication.
• All submissions are subject to initial screening by the Editorial Board. Manuscripts that violate the Journal’s submission guidelines, exhibit notable mistakes, and/or carry no relevance to Asia are rejected at this point.
• Manuscripts that passed the initial screening are sent to faculty and outside reviewers. Articles approved by our reviewers are accepted for publication, conditioned on the proper revision of the piece along the lines suggested by the Journal’s Editorial Board.
• Editorial exchanges occur between the editors and the authors in order to improve the argument and structure of the articles.
• Copy edited drafts are submitted to the Editor in Chief for final review.
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