February 26-28 2015
The Osmania University Centre for International Programmes (OUCIP) proposes to organize an international conference on what is new and innovative in Indian Ocean studies in February 2015 in Hyderabad, India.
With increasing concerns for environment, climate change, natural calamities, and biodiversity, scholars across disciplines are moving towards Ocean Studies. The oceanic turn in sciences and humanities will be critical to shaping a new world order in the twenty-first century.
The recent upsurge in Indian Ocean Studies is part of this phenomenon. It is obvious that this field has moved beyond its traditional ‘marginal studies’ to a global discourse involving natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities.
A growing body of multi disciplinary Ocean Studies has brought within its fold fascinating new dimensions from the Indian Ocean region. This new knowledge will influence both policy and practice in this region.
Scholars, researchers and students are invited to submit proposals by November 10, 2014, to oucipprogrammes@gmail.com
Proposals should arrive in MS Word, Times New Roman, 12 Font, and include a title, the name of the author/coauthor, institutional affiliation, postal address, and email contact information. The conference is open to all disciplines.
Some examples of areas that could be covered in proposals:
New research in Indian Ocean history: roots and routes
The Indian Ocean and India’s regional histories
Science and technology
Power dynamics: old and new
Indian Ocean: myth, folklore and literature
Forms of culture, cuisine and arts
Indian Ocean and coastal communities
Climate change and survival in the vicinity of the Indian Ocean
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