Asia América Latina welcomes manuscripts of the following disciplines: Literature, Sociology, Gender Studies, Cultural Studies, Political Science, History, Economics, Communication, Anthropology and International Relations. Articles can address the wider East Asian region, including Southeast Asia (ASEAN countries but not Oceania/South Pacific), or America Latina. They may also study inter-regional relations involving the Asian or Latin-American region or sub-regions (such as Southeast Asia for example) and individual countries. The journal covers both 20th and 21st centuries with a clear contemporary focus.
Asia América Latina admits articles that have not been previously published, in part or in whole, in English or Spanish or any other language, except as an abstract, part of a public lecture or academic thesis and that have not and will not be submitted to any other journal while still under consideration for this journal. In case the manuscript has been published in other language than the one is proposed, the Editorial Secretary in consultation with the Editorial Committee will evaluate its relevance.
To be accepted, manuscripts must be included in one of the following categories:
1. Articles from Latin American specialists on contemporary issues regarding Asia.
2. Articles form Asian specialists on contemporary issues regarding Latin American.
3. Articles from specialists of any nationality addressing comparative issues on Asia and Latin America.
In addition to standard research papers, we seek Reviews of postgraduate thesis recommended by the Editorial Board as well as books reviews.
Deadlines: January 31, 2016. August 31, 2016