Tuesday, January 19, 2016

America's Unofficial Ambassadors - Semester Abroad and Summer Service Internship Opportunities

America's Unofficial Ambassadors is a DC-based non-profit, seeking to promote diplomacy and increase the number of Americans who volunteer in the Muslim World. Programs are geared towards students, with Semester Abroad and Summer Service Internship opportunities in Morocco, Zanzibar, Tajikistan, and Indonesia. Through these programs, students are placed in an internship with a school or an NGO specializing in areas of human development. Students are offered the chance to make a difference through service, along with a variety of benefits - language classes, academic credit, a Certificate in Citizen Diplomacy, and a professional mentoring program.

The program in Indonesia offers several internships available for students, including:

* Teaching English at a local madrasa
* Managing communications and written content for Dian Interfidei - a local NGO working to promote religious tolerance and interfaith dialogue
* Producing, filming, and editing videos and documentaries for Dian Interfidei
* Facilitating workshops at Yayasan Kampung Halaman - a youth engagement and empowerment initiative 
* Managing research projects at PKBI DIY - the Yogyakarta Chapter of Indonesian Planned Parenthood
* Creating outreach, communications, and advocacy materials for PKBI DIY

To learn more about this opportunity, please feel free to join the Big 10 informational webinar on Wednesday, January 27th at 11:30 AM MST/12:30 CT. To RSVP, please contact kathleenG@creativelearning.org 

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